Nemours Children鈥檚 Health, one of the nation鈥檚 largest multistate pediatric health systems, and 激情快播 today announced a formalized, expanded partnership aimed at improving the health of children in Central Florida and beyond. Together, they will establish the 激情快播 College of Medicine 鈥 Nemours Children鈥檚 Health Department of Pediatrics to train the next generation of pediatric physicians. In addition, Nemours Children鈥檚 has signed on as 激情快播鈥檚 first Pegasus Partner whose sole focus is pediatric healthcare.

With projections forecasting a shortfall in the number of physicians needed to meet the demand within the state of Florida in the coming years, this expanded partnership aims to help address those potential shortages by drawing from the organizations鈥 long-standing history of collaboration and accentuating their mutual commitment to advancing medical training, workforce development, innovation, community partnerships and advocacy to ensure the delivery of high-quality health care for children.

The 激情快播 College of Medicine 鈥 Nemours Children鈥檚 Health Department of Pediatrics is expected to impact all 480 激情快播 medical students each year and will set a new standard for pediatric academic programs by further leveraging Nemours Children鈥檚 preeminence. Expanding upon current joint educational programs, the department will enable new collaborations and support both organizations鈥 efforts in clinical excellence, research and the recruitment and retention of the next generation of pediatricians.

鈥淣emours Children鈥檚 has been a fabulous partner to the College of Medicine, providing pediatric education to every 激情快播 medical student,鈥 says Deborah German founding dean and 激情快播 vice president for health affairs. 鈥淣emours shares our three missions. They are fully engaged in research, finding new cures and treatments. They provide care across the spectrum of pediatrics. And they are focused on education 鈥 of 激情快播 medical students, residents and fellows. We are now expanding a great partnership that has allowed us both to thrive.鈥

Every 激情快播 medical student receives their pediatric training at Nemours Children鈥檚. Over the years, the pediatric health system has trained more than 1,100 M.D. candidates across a number of clinical departments and pediatric disciplines, including general and orthopedic surgery, anesthesiology, pathology and radiology. After graduation, medical school graduates must complete residencies in their specialty of choice and pediatrics has been one of the most popular specialties for 激情快播 students. Nemours Children鈥檚 also participates in many of the 激情快播 College of Medicine鈥檚 residency and fellowship programs, which are among the fastest growing in the state.

鈥淲e have long valued our partnership with 激情快播, and this newly established department is a natural continuation of our joint efforts,鈥 says Martha McGill, president of the Central Florida Region for Nemours Children鈥檚 Health. 鈥淣emours Children鈥檚 is one of the nation鈥檚 largest pediatric health systems, and together we will be able to provide medical students and trainees with the depth, complexity and variety of experience and skill-building we offer.鈥

The partnership further emphasizes Nemours Children鈥檚 commitment to directly supporting the growth and training of future clinical leaders. Other partnerships for Nemours Children鈥檚 include working with the Mayo Clinic and University of Florida in Jacksonville, Florida, to train pediatric residents and fellows representing more than 15 specialties. In Delaware, Nemours Children鈥檚 jointly runs a pediatric residency program in collaboration with Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University.

鈥淭his new department underscores the value and importance of partnerships between industry and academic institutions, especially those aligned to a common mission,鈥 says Kanekal Gautham, pediatrician-in-chief for Nemours Children鈥檚 Hospital, Florida who will serve as the inaugural chair of the department. 鈥淧ediatric health care is more complex than it has ever been, so creating a pipeline of skilled, well-trained clinicians is pivotal to meeting the ongoing and evolving care needs of children.鈥

The 激情快播 Pegasus Partner Program is a comprehensive partnership initiative designed to foster deep, intentional, mutually beneficial relationships between the university and leading industry partners. 激情快播鈥檚 objective is to strategically align in key partnerships where the university and an industry partner can collectively drive talent development, discovery and innovation through collaboration and philanthropy.

Through the Pegasus Partner Program, Nemours Children鈥檚 and 激情快播 will work collaboratively to identify opportunities and establish initiatives that leverage their collective medical and academic preeminence toward the overall advancement of pediatric healthcare.

鈥淏y further aligning our nationally recognized pediatric expertise with 激情快播鈥檚 prowess in innovation and technology, this expanded partnership builds upon Nemours Children鈥檚 commitment to creating the healthiest generations of children,鈥 says R. Lawrence Moss, president and CEO of Nemours Children鈥檚 Health. 鈥淎s we expand our long history of collaborating to address the unique health needs of children, we improve the care given in the multitude of communities we serve, and positively influence children鈥檚 quality of life for years to come.鈥

鈥淲e are grateful for Nemours Children鈥檚 longstanding partnership with 激情快播 and the impact growing our collaboration will have for children and their families and for our College of Medicine students and faculty,鈥 says 激情快播 President Alexander N. Cartwright. 鈥淭ogether, we are strengthening our community鈥檚 health and well-being, investing in the development of new innovative clinical practices and devices, and developing the talent that will serve future generations of Floridians for decades to come.鈥